Lately Obsessed #1

Lately Obsessed #1

“Lately Obsessed.” I’m hoping to start a mini-series on my blog where every Wednesday (where the first post is already a day late…) I share my favorites, my obsessions, or anything under my radar.

Hopefully I can maintain this throughout the school year. I wanted to start this series because this week, I’ve been completely obsessed with these five things. I just can’t get enough.

  1.  Colorful Salads | I’m a creature of habit so my salads don’t differ much from the go-to salad I shared on the blog, however, I love preparing the salad as much as eating them! As I add the bright peppers and the lush avocado, I feel like an artist who sprinkling colors on her masterpiece!

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  1. Muesli | This happened on a whim. My family ran out of oatmeal one day, but I only had ten minutes to eat breakfast until I had to go to volunteer at the hospital. We found a stash of granola in our pantry so we took the granola and almond milk and put on top our regular oatmeal toppings. OMG – so good! And this granola doesn’t have a lot of sugar but together with the almond milk, ahh…heaven. And it’s super filling too – for me even more than oatmeal. I obviously realize that real muesli is made from muesli. Hopefully I can buy some muesli before I head to school on the 27th!

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  1. Food Journaling | I’ve been journaling for over two years now in my trusty Moleskine. Journaling is such a therapeutic and healing activity for me so it’s a must in my daily routine. However, recently, I’ve been food journaling. While I’ve vowed to never go back to track calories again, I think having a view at what I’m eating is super helpful. On some days, I realize that I didn’t eat for a really long time which probably caused my huge “binge” during dinner. It has the benefits as calorie tracking in that you’re mindful of what you’re eating but not restrictive.

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  1. Early Morning Runs | My scheduled 6:20am morning runs were not voluntary let me tell you that. I had to do them then because of my busy schedule. However, today for some reason, I had to do something else in the morning so moved my run in the afternoon at my gym’s treadmill. Ugh…I did not enjoy it. I think something about waking up in the early morning where the air is still crisp and fresh (and somewhat cool) and where there’s not a lot of hustle bustle is refreshing. While I feel extremely tired waking up for the run, once I finish the run and come home for a shower, I feel super energized with the bonus of feeling productive too!

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***TIP: Lay out your equipment – clothes, hat, earbuds, CHARGED phone, socks, underwear the night before. It makes the morning so much easier.

  1. Olympics | Has anyone been watching the Olympics recently? USA is killing it right now – especially in the gymnastics and swimming arena. Simone Biles, Aly Raisman, Michael Phelps (he’s defying age…like I just can’t even handle…) and Katie Ledecky. I’m not a huge sports fan – I don’t voluntarily watch the Super Bowl or March Madness but something about the Olympics with national pride is so addictive.


What have been your obsessions this week?



4 thoughts on “Lately Obsessed #1

  1. Hey Stephanie! Love the post. I have seen meusli in the grocery store but was never quite sure what to do with it. Thanks for the idea! And my obsessions currently… Homegoods. We just moved into a new apartment and I have loved shopping there to make the place cute! Also obsessed with Blue Apron (I have some information in my blog about it). It’s a super fun delivery food service and the meals are incredibly tasty. Have a good weekend 🙂

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